Sunday, May 5, 2013

Horror Horror Horror

Ever since I was a young child I’ve been exposed to horror movies and have always loved them; just like my mom (RIP).  These movies really don't scare me, I more or less look at them as an art.  The gore and all the freaky stuff fascinates me.  I will look at it and wonder hmmmm how could I have done that better?  I think it's my dream job to work on those types of effects.  I am a Technical Writer/Programmer by day so nothing close to what my dream is. ha!   I am more partial to the supernatural type of movies.  Movies that are too realistic aren't my cup of tea like Saw, Hostile or Last House on the Left; movies with torture or rape are not for me.  I have never watched any of those because they are the ones that scare the crap out of me! 

I was requested by a member of Thoughts to make a list of my favorite horror movies. This was difficult because there are so many that I really love, and so many I have yet to see, but here’s what I came up with. I’m sure after I post this I’ll want to change it up and/or add more!  Beware!!!  A lot of the pictures are scary and not for the faint of heart.

The Exorcist - I love this part when Regan has this impish giggly grin.

The Shining - Jack was so hot in this.  haha...that look on his face just turns me on!

Carrie - so lovely on her prom night.

Evil Dead (all of them) - the absolute best scene in this was when the possessed girl eats her own arm off.  The sounds are just fantastic! haha

Invasion of the Body Snatchers - I LOVE this movie with all of my heart and soul.  Everything about it is perfect.

Basket Case - my love(r).

Freaks - I especially enjoyed the pinheads.  The midget was just evil looking.

Hellraiser (all of them) - the gore in these movies is just scathingly brilliant.

Psycho - this one is a total mind f*ck.

Amityville Horror - I used to live about 30 miles from this house.

Nightmare on Elm Street - I was on a date when I first seen this and the guy really dug into my arm hard in fear!  Needless to say that was our last date!

Drag me to Hell - this was a recent one that I was thoroughly entertained by.  Isn't she a beauty?  She has a wild temper! 

The Changeling - My favorite ghost movie with an outstanding plot.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - the boat scene and the Oompa Loompa’s were horrifying. If you read my blog called 'Willy, Midgets and Mom' you’ll understand.

Night of the Living Dead - saw this at a very young age and it made me deliciously nauseous.

House of 1000 Corpses - took my mom to see this in the theater.  It was memorable.  She loved it....

Cabin Fever - loved the leg shaving scene.  ouch!!!

Poltergeist - the all time family scary movie.  Also liked number two but number three nil.

Friday the 13th - I've had fantasies about this dude.  LOL

The Silence of the Lambs - also seen this with my mom.  I was so uneasy that I was on the Verge or walking out because it was too realistic for me.  I stuck it out for my moms sake.  Because of the psychological nature of it, I do like it.

The Fly - just love the grotesqueness of Jeff in this.

Dawn of the Dead - zombies rule.

The Wicker Man - this one gave me a shaky uneasy feeling throughout - such a good feeling.  lol

The Ring - I absolutely loved this scene when she came out of the TV.  When I was in the theater I remember thinking that I couldn't wait for the DVD so I could watch this scene over and over again and in slow motion.  ha!

Quarantine - Another recent one I was unpleasantly surprised with.

Seven - greatly disturbing and well made.

Rosemary’s Baby - a classic that was just so wrong.

Halloween - JLC was great in this.

The Thing - loved the freakish things in this one.

Wrong Turn - freaks and deformities oh my.  Need I say more?


Beyond the Door
- I believe this was the first horror movie I ever saw.  I watched it with my mom at the age of eight.  Such great childhood memories I have.  If only all children could be so lucky...

Originally Posted on

Filthy Regan

1 comment:

  1. Munkyman

    Yeah I liked a lot of those, I even liked the 1st Saw but, the rest went down hill real fast & Hostile freaked me out, I travel too much to watch that crap.

    January 31, 2010


    Did Hostile have something to do with traveling? I have no clue what it’s about other than horrific torture. One other movie I didn’t list here was Demon Seed, which I also watched at a very young age. I’ll never forget the weird feeling that movie gave me. I really like weird feelings…ha

    January 31, 2010


    Yeah it was tourists that got waylaid & sold as entertainment in a twisted fun house for rich guys.

    January 31, 2010


    i will try to do something as sort of a companion piece to i mentioned i’m in a writing rut at the moment so it would give me a chance to be creative.when i was very young i started reading fangoria magazine and they always did articles on people who did special fx like tom savini and rick baker.savini was always my hero growing up.i actually did meet him at a horror convention once.he was a dickweed.
    as for horror and types of horror ….i like it all.i do admit that the torture stuff does get to me on occasion,so i guess that i am softer than i like to fancy myself sometimes.but, i see art and relevance in anything that is well referencing your specific examples ….the saw movies are very well done in my opinion.i like the way they all tie together.yes, obviously the first one was the best.but, the series has remained interesting enough that i do enjoy watching them all.hostel ….i see this setting up as a very good series as well.the first one was okay.but, the second was one was great and i really liked the way that the characters and film itself was a whole new thing but it had so many nods and references to the first one.eli roth is making a third one and i think this has amazing potential as a good series of films if he keeps it for last house on the left ….the original is a true classic of the genre and the remake was a shopping mall abomination.this has all gotten really old really quick with me the way they are destroying the legacy of my favorite films.
    obviously remaking films is not something new.some of the movies on your list are remakes.but, if someone does a remake and actually does something new or interesting with it i am cool with that …..the thing,the fly major examples here…..shit, i even liked the dawn of the dead remake,but only because i looked at it as an entirely different experience rather than a remake because the original is far superior in my own opinion.
    but, taking a movie like amityvile horror or friday the 13th and just making the same movie but with prettier actors in it is a waste of time and money in my opinion.
    as for your list ….i will say that i thoroughly enjoyed all of these films except drag me to hell and some would actually be on my list.

    January 31, 2010


    When I was a child my parents owned a small restaurant. They also sold magazines and comics. I would ALWAYS look at all of the Monster magazines and the Mad magazines. Loved reading your comment. Thanks! Oh yeah and dickweeds suck. lol

    January 31, 2010


    I just read BG’s horror movie list, then I stumbled onto this one.
    great list btw.
    although i did like drag me to hell,
    probably just cause sam raimi directed it, so it was like a trip back to his roots (evil dead), lol, they even put his old 73 oldsmobile delta 88 from the evil dead movies in it, (the car the old gypsie woman was driving).

    i’m kinda inspired now, i think i just may make some kind of list too, only more like my favorite lines, or scenes or some thing like that.
    some of my faves are from sci-fi movies too, cause there have been some real scarry and gory scenes in those too.

    great read

    February 04, 2010
