Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I have always been fascinated by the dark stuff. I remember searching out true crime paperbacks armed only with my curiosity and a flashlight in the dankest catacombs of my favorite bookstores long before searching was made easy by having an entire section devoted to such darkness. Everybody loves that dark stuff now. Spree killers and homicidal maniacs are just as likely to be known for having groupies as they are to be feared for playing pin the carcass to the bloodredwood or going all postal and mailing a pair of severed lips to their high school sweetheart. Now, reading fans of these sociopathic overachievers can rejoice because they/we have their/our own anthology.

Writer and editor James Ward Kirk has gathered together a renegade crew of writers to deliver some of the most blood curdlingly gruesome prose and poetry to ever be spilled between the covers of a book. If you like it sick, like me, this is a must read. Split into three sections of creative beef we are treated to poetry, flash fiction and short stories with all the sublety of being handed a severed head and told to make out with it. Who wouldn't love that? I liked every single one of these scribblings. I enjoy nothing more than discovering some great new writers to read and all of those assembled here by James Ward Kirk have now been placed at the top of my "yes-more-please" list.

For thrill seekers and blood drinkers alike, longing to be whisked away straight into the bowels of hell and shat out of the end zone, this is essential reading. I promise you will enjoy the ride.

James has some other anthologies that deal with dark themes like grave robbing and Hell itself, and I can't wait to check them all out as well. You can grab yourself a copy of Serial Killer Iterum here-

and also be sure to check out his website for flash fiction and other cool stuff-

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