Friday, September 26, 2014


Greetings all you sickos! Manitou and Regan have been cooking up evil in the physical world so that explains why there has been a lack of attention given to the blogging world. Want good news though? Halloweenie is coming!!!!!!!!!! Want even better news? This of course means that we will be blogging more regularly around here. We'll be cooking up lots of fetid word mess for you to delight and fright in. Our friend, Ben the Rat blogger, will also be posting new blogs finally as well. We hope that you will tell all your filthy friends about us and send them over here so we can all be disgusting together and revel in the majestic mire that is Halloweenie and then some! In case you were unaware we also have a Twitter page. Come on over and follow us. Don't get too close though because you might get some bodily fluids all over you. Here is the link to our Twitter page-

For those wishing to keep up with Manitou and Regan outside of the horror scene you can visit their regular blog pages-

Also, check out Manitou aka BungleGrind on Twitter at-

In celebration of the coming Halloweenie of Horrors we are going to start up a new feature here. Manitou and Regan are doing a serial. It's in the spirit of all those gooey 1950's B-movie classics and it's called "Blood Lunch of the Mega Skeeters." Each of us will contribute a part and then we will post both parts together, as sort of a chapter. Each new chapter will have the links to the past posts, so there will be no excuse not to keep up with us! Here is the first chapter that features both of our parts. Hope you all enjoy it!

 Most of the people standing around waved the air in front of their nostrils and gagged. This had everything to do with the stench and nothing to do with the intense desert heat. After all, this was Arizona in July and these people knew what it was like to be hot.

The bodies had been found just a few hours ago, and despite the paltry remains having been taken away the air still reeked of feces and death something fierce. Sheriff Henry Lee Lewis could care less about either the death or the smell of shit. He was used to both. In fact, he had just wolfed down one of those burritos off that truck that usually sat in front of the station and taking a shit was something on his to do in the very near future before he crapped his own self list. First though he had to clear out the scene near the mountain, on the corner of Yorkshire and 39th, that looked to be multiplying.

He despised these headline craving vultures of the media. Almost as much as he hated the planes that had recently been clouding up his formerly clear blue skies.

"Goddamn sons a' bitches!"

His thoughts somehow ended up on his tongue. The chaos around him prevented anyone from either hearing or caring. Saturday morning in Glendale had given these people something much more unsettling to deal with. Murders. Lot's of 'em.


What had happened exactly?  That was yet to be determined.  But the mass of bodies that had to be cleared away was unlike anything Henry had ever encountered.  They were mutilated and pretty much shriveled.  He knew people would want answers, and quick.  He’d be heading over to the local morgue to check on them later.

As he walked down the street shaking his head towards the chaos, a floral housecoat swathed stout woman in furry white slippers took little quick steps towards him waving her arms “Sheriff Sheriff!!” 

She yelled in a screechy voice and then stood directly in front of him. 

He could smell baby powder wafting all around her and a hint of something sour on her breath and she heavily panted in his face – he hated when people got too damn close. 

“Yes, ma’am if you’ll please step aside and allow me to...”

“Please listen to me, Mr. Sheriff!! I saw what happened, I did!!!  I saw it out my window!  There were so many of them!!! Some kind of bug alien I say!!!  They attacked these poor people...oh my God that poor little girl Brandy!!  Screaming like a...well, I don’t know.  It was unlike anything I’ve ever heard...” 

The frantic woman’s voice almost became a whisper at the end of her sentence, and she crossed her chubby arms over her large bosom and looked down at the ground, suddenly silent. 

Henry realized she started to weep.  He also noticed how her fingers looked like the delicious bulging sausages he ate yesterday.

“Oh, now now ma’am; you just take it easy.  We’ll talk in a little while and you can tell me everything,”  He said, as he tentatively placed a hand on her thick shoulder, and gently pushed her aside as he continued to make his way towards the chattering crowd. 

He looked up and saw a black helicopter.  Why the fuck would the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) be here? He thought to himself.

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