The thing I like most about John Urbancik is that you never really know what you are going to get with his stories. He melds genres with the same ease that a master chef might use to handpick his ingrediants. With his latest novel, Darkwalker, the literary chef of the macabre cooks up a hearty blend of horror,action,romance, and fantasy and takes you on one hell of a journey that is far and away the coolest mind trip of the Summer reading list.
Jack Harlow is a man able to see those things that tend to go bump in our nights. The things that the rest of us can't see and even if we could surely wouldn't want to. Things such as ghosts, zombies, vampires, demons and wraiths have no quarrel with his voyeurism though. They go about their rampaging business while Jack goes about business of his own, which is recording all of his encounters should any of the information he has gathered prove to be useful at some point. When Jack meets Lisa Sparrow all hope of his up until then peaceful co-existence with all of the gruesome ghoulies and such is off and Hell literally breaks loose amidst the haunted city of Orlando.
John Urbancik has very quickly become one of my favorite writers. His previously touted genre splicing abilities aside the man is simply a damn fine writer who grips you by the mind and whisks you away into the world he has created. His stories pull you right in from their opening lines and never let you go even after you have dropped the book from your fingers. Darkwalker is no exception. It's action packed and the frantic pacing carried the story right along until the crash,bang,wallop of its climax. I found myself being so swept up into this tale that I did not want it to end and thankfully it doesn't seem that it is going to just yet as I have heard that Urbancik plans to turn Jack Harlows adventures into a series.
If you are a reader who craves something fresh,tasty and far out of the ordinary that is guaranteed to blow your mind and rock your reader socks right off then Mr. Urbancik will do you up just right. Darkwalker would be a perfect place to start. Aren't you hungry?
Available for Amazon kindle here-
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